So as I stopped by the page to like “Hearing The Afterlife”  after listening to their show for the first time last night.  I was curious to see what all the hype was about. It seems all those who Evan Jensen had been bulling, was/is harassing, lying about had come together to set things straight since Evan Jensen  stalks and harasses them through his blogs. He creates fabricated stories, twisted truths etc, for attention.  After attending this show, where Evan had trolled and I called him out for it….btw cowards troll and make up fake names….. so guess what? Yep he made another one of his blogs for little ole me and another guy named Stephen….lmao  and he just reported the same old bs  about me that he does everytime….his twisted truths which I have addressed with actual facts and proof in mine in the past. So ya doesn’t bother me. Actually entertaining.  So while going to the Hearing the afterlife page on FB I saw this post directed at Evan Jensen.Screenshot_2016-04-20-21-59-04.png

I couldn’t help but like it.  Now is Evan up for the challenge?  They were kind enough to give him the opportunity in all fairness  to rebuttal it seems against the show done on him last night.  Heck I wouldn’t have bothered as I have proved time again and again what a Fraud he really is and a Coward. So I hope this show doesn’t get their hopes up that he will go on the show because  I honestly believe he will hide and continue blogging lies about people and that my friends is why I myself believe that he v is a COWARD attention seeking FRAUD.

But hey miracles happen….lol  or will he prove me right …


Stay tuned….we will be watching the Hearing the Afterlife page to see if the coward will go on.